
Senergo Exchange allows for any renewable
energy producer to readily market their energy,
find buyers and sell their energy in the form
of SED tokens.

Trade energy conveniently and swiftly

First Energy Marketplace

The foundation stone of any decentralized energy system is the capability of the different peers within the network to exchange the energy they produce and consume freely.

Our exchange eliminates any influence big energy companies might have on electricity prices and provides a suitable platform for market mechanisms to set prices.

Software Implementation for Senergo exchange

We have introduced three participants in the transaction

Users (Agents)

Create the order to buy/sell or send the energy through Senergo exchange/app.

Smart contracts

Execution of market matching mechanisms and logical blocks, calculating the user's balance and transaction history data.

Smart meter

Ensures the energy is passed onto the buyer in a full amount from the seller's wallet.

Functions of Senergo

On Senergo exchange, the Senergo blockchain will act as a central ledger for saving the transaction info, amount of energy traded, and user's balance. The transaction history and energy data will be decentralized and fully transparent, apart from the user's confidential data, such as the origin of generated energy.

Senergo blockchain will also be able to execute smart contracts needed for the Business Logic.